Announcing: Hands-on Liver Cleanse with Light Energy
I Put The Power To Heal Yourself In Your Hands
From: Sophie Benshitta Maven
In the past few years, especially since the Pandemic, food health measures have been lax. The result is a new epidemic... caused not by some virus, but by food preservatives, applied in factories, in stores, in restaurants... everywhere.
And the same mechanism that hinders invaders to attack your food, the same mechanism prevents your cells from breathing, from taking out the side-product of living, from taking on water and sugar, and other nutrients.
And when you are dehydrated, your cells suffocating and dying of malnutrition, while you eat supposedly well and healthy, but you are tired, distracted, discouraged, depressed, anxious... however you react to this situation, your immune system is overwhelmed, your liver is overwhelmed, and opportunistic diseases find home in your body, like the raccoons in the neglected home where I rent an apartment.
Eating cleaner food, drinking cleaner beverages is obviously part of the solution. But the biggest issue is your liver.
Your liver needs to be cleansed, and cleansed frequently.
The methods I have learned from so-called healers, herbalists and such are slow, cumbersome, and of dubious effectiveness.
Introducing the energetic liver cleansing method that only takes five minutes. Nothing else to buy. No garlic, no olive oil, no herbs. You need the audio, you need to know where to put your hand, and five minutes of you time.
The more often you invest those five minutes, the laxer you can become as far as the chemicals are concerned in your diet. The more tolerance you build in, because your liver can handle more of the stuff your body doesn't consider food.
Your body only considers food some of what YOU do.
In general, only what many generations of your ancestors could consume and still procreate.
Your DNA wrapped itself around the habits, the foods, and the cooking methods your ancestors survived with... And anything new is now not considered food.
If you have mixed heritage, like some of my students, the degree to which it's mixed matters.
The people who fare best with today's 'you can eat anything' philosophy are people who are veritable mutts. Not me. Not not most of my clients.
The half Chinese half English becomes deadly ill from the Western diet. The purebred Italian can only do well with the peasant Italian dishes... I must eat the way Hungarians have been eating for many centuries. So yeah, if you can find out how your dominant ancestors, dominant in your DNA ate, lived, cooked, then your chances to be well double, triple, maybe even ten-fold over others who eat anything. A different ethnic restaurant every time they eat out.
Not me. And not my clients. And likely not you either.
But... But if you are willing and able to cleanse your liver often enough, then maybe you can cheat here and there.
Here is another group of people who no one talks about: diabetics.
They became diabetic, I say, because of those chemicals. And then some doctor prescribed a diet and medication for them. Likely both the diet and the medication exacerbated the problem. Made it worse. Much worse. Literally incurable.
So if you or someone you love is diabetic, no matter what you eat, cleansing your liver almost as regularly as you take a shower is a life-saver.
I have tested it, and I guarantee 100% the results.
What will you get when you buy this program?
- you'll get an explanation of how it works, where to put your hands, etc.
- you'll get a short five-six minute audio with the energy. It only works if and when you place your hand on the liver... playing it over and over will do you nothing. It is not like the Big Bundle that the energy chooses where to go. Here with the Light energy you need to direct it, and you do that with your hand.
It's a good idea to get a measurement occasionally, just for your own peace of mind. Start with a complete health measurements... and then ask for an occasional just the liver request to me.
If I know you otherwise, I won't even charge you for it.
I want you to be confident, and trust the process. I also want to be able to catch when your health deteriorates... before your condition becomes fatal. I know far too many people who were sitting on the fence too long... and are now dying.
Just some of the feedback I have received from participants
- "I miraculously lost 14 lbs, without dieting..."
- "My shoulders and neck don't get tight any more, and my breathing is much better..."
- "My sleeping got better, and I now have energy..."
- "My constant stomach trouble and nausea disappeared!"
- "The swelling in my legs went away"
- "My blood pressure went back to normal"
- "My breathing is now deep and the blockages disappeared!"