Activate 'The Sight' Spiritual Capacity
An energetic process I can ask Source to perform for you.
Spiritual Capacities are also called intangibles... the capacities people put on their resume that make them a whole lot more hireable than others... the ability to see another's point of view, the ability to hold the sight of a direction or a future... context, agreeableness, humility, allowing, letting go, etc.
I am a True Empath. And I am an innovator.
I don't invent stuff... I repurpose...
I stumbled on the spiritual capacities back in 2003-ish, through the Kabbalah Centre, and through the Healing Codes.
In my experience, one of the most painfully missing capacity nowadays is what I call "The Sight". In fact, people are not even looking.
To have the sight, to see the consequences of actions, yours or others', to see how things build on one thing on another, to see how to get from one point to the next to the next until you get where you want to get to is so rare, that my hunch is that it makes you a millionaire or a billionaire, if you also have ambition.
But ambition, or the lack of it belongs to another conversation.
In my programs, once you embrace your stuck self-image as just that... a self-image, you become ready to actually do something with your life... not before that.
And then this capacity, 'The Sight' is invaluable, because it can guide you out of the hole you have dug yourself in, and up to the mountain, to what you have always wanted to achieve.
This activator is useless unless you have ambition, unless you are up to accomplishing something.
It is also useless if you only look in your mind: you won't find the path there... the path is outside of your mind.
So if you just want to feel better about yourself and your life, this is not the activator for you. You have no use for it, and it has no use for you.
The activator, every activator turns off unless it is used, unless it is needed. You have been warned.
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