Introducing A Revolutionary New Audio
Cure your Anxiety, Sleep Better, Achieve Meditative States and Heal The Planet all at the same time!
Just Playing The Harmonize Your Vibration Mp3 Will Do That, You Don't Even Have To Pay Attention!
From: Sophie Benshitta Maven
So here you are...
You can own the most advanced, most powerful, most versatile audio recording in human history
How does this work?
But even if you can't or don't have time to follow the instructions, the audio re-broadcasts wholeness, thus you are causing your harmonization: causing your anxiety to diminish, your persistent thinking stop... and altogether have a better life. I play it on low volume on Windows Media Player, it is set to "loop".. It works through my headset at night, while I sleep. I have been sleeping better...
All the energies of the call are truthfully duplicated on the audio and transmitted, regardless what kind of audio equipment you use: you can record it to tape, use your computer, your mp3 player, it will all work. Why? Because it is not the sound vibrations that do the work, it is the Avatar Energy, the 100% connection to Source energy that gets activated every time the audio is played.
By the way, the audio is 25 minute long, and only about 10 minutes of it is this high energy. Why didn't I make a 100% high energy audio: You would not be able to do anything if I did. It takes about 2-5 minutes for your body to harmonize to the high vibration, high energy transmission. The higher your vibration the faster you harmonize.
How can you get it?
Given that energy products need you to have a certain level of vibration already to be effective, I need you to get at least your level of vibration...
If this is the perfect product for you, I'll let you know.
If you need to start with something else: I'll let you know.
So start with your vibrational reading... or better yet, get your whole "starting point" combo.
Your vibration effects everything. How you feel. How intelligent you are in your actions. How well you choose what you choose. How free you are to pursue what's important to you. Even whether you know what's important to you!
A donation of $15 will get you an email from me with your vibrational frequency. You can send more if you feel compelled. It will make you feel good, and start you on raising your vibration. No kidding. Thank you.
I will also recommend a "perfect match" next step, depending on what I see... no set path, no two people are the same.

PS: Please make it easier for me, by sending me a picture and your date of birth.
Can you buy it as a gift? Yes.
Option 2
Add a bottle of Heaven on Earth to make it emotionally easier to to bear the strong energy of the Harmonizer
The whole visible and invisible universe is a coherent system of expanding and contracting energy donuts.
I am not going to go into details here: if you want to know more, watch the video on the site: the black whole.
The only thing you need to get, at this point, is that the entire universe, the sub-universes, the planets, the atoms, and each life-form is a coherent system... except man.
With man, a new element got introduced: ego and mind, or egomind, that interferes with this coherent system. It interferes with this system not on the macro level only, but mainly and principally on the micro level, on the level of the Self.
Each doughnut system lives an individual life and at the same time they live as part of the whole. They get their balance from the whole, and they broadcast their state to the whole, influencing the whole.
An out of balance human "doughnut" broadcasts its SOS signal: it broadcasts its brokennes.
The average brokennes of man, measured today, December 22, 2012 is 91%. Said in another way, the average wholeness of man is 9%.
That means that each human causes, every second of every minute, the further destruction of the planet.
I have only been measuring this important number for a few months now, and in these few months, since August of this year, it has gone down 40%. The number is going in the wrong direction, and fast. It's a good representation of entropy: the falling apart of organized systems.
If you read my articles about the "Activate Divinity Program" you have learned what causes the fragmentation of the Self. You have also read what we do, on the individual level, to increase your whole-ness.
Here I am going to talk about a new program. I have found that when two or more highly integrated individuals connect to Source, the vibration, the broadcast they create works counter to the force of entropy, and works to harmonize all the fragmented Selves to its near-perfect harmonious vibration.
Of course I could just leave it to fate, and see if humanity will survive this entropy process by reorganizing itself on a higher level, but I don't see any signs, I don't see any hope that it will without some help.
Humanity is heading to self-annihilation. The weather patterns of the past few years are the clearest signs that it's happening, and it's happening faster and faster every year.
I recorded this audio myself, on my own. I have entered the Avatar State, a very high consciousness state that summons the spirit of all the previous Avatars to join in to make the effect of this transmission bigger, to make it really count.
The effect of this audio was even unexpected and surprising to me. I didn't expect it to attack anxiety and anguish on the personal level, and I didn't expect it to cause the mind-chatter to stop... in my normal state I could never really accomplish it with students for an extended time before.
So here you are...
You can own the most advanced, most powerful, most versatile audio recording in human history
How does this work?
As you are listening to the audio, and follow the instructions, the broadcast and the harmonization process begins, whether your wholeness is high enough or not.
But even if you can't or don't have time to follow the instructions, the audio re-broadcasts wholeness, thus you are causing the harmonization of the planet, including you: causing your anxiety to diminish, your persistent thinking stop... and altogether have a better life. I play it on low volume on Windows Media Player, it is set to loop... It works through my headset at night, while I sleep. I have been sleeping better...
The more people in more time-zones use the audio, the more the influence on the planet will be happening.
Audios sitting on your hard drive or your mp3 device won't make any difference, so please don't buy the audio unless you are committed to using it.
All the energies on the call are truthfully duplicated on the audio.
How can you get it?
Option 1
Can you buy it as a gift? Yes. Can you make copies of it and give it away? Yes.
Option 2
Buy it now, and I'll ship you a brand spanking new bottle Heaven on Earth to make the transition and entrainment period easier for you, for just shipping and handling..