Get Avatar State Activators
History of this activator: One time, during a connection call, I experimented moving the self to different parts of the body... and then we connected that self with Source.
The result was mind blowing: the Self opened up a vortex and grew in size and connected the Self and Source. Observe: Self with capital S.
I managed to connect this connection, this energy, and have been able to ask for different aspects in addition to that amazing vortex.
I call these audios Avatar State Audios... from the Nickelodeon animated movies, Avatar, The Last Airbender, and The Legends of Korra... excellent movies. The avatar can enter into Avatar State where they can use all four elements at the same time, air, water, fire and rock.
How do they work?
These audios work in a co-creational way: they provide the harmonious energy of the Original Design that is at odds with who you are today. You provide the awareness, the conscious alert awareness and the willingness to let go of the persona you have created as a reaction to a perceived wrong. Hard work, but if you are willing, it will do exactly what I promise it will do.
The Avatar State is a transformational process, and no one can cause transformation for you, only you can do it for yourself. I provide the energy, you provide the rest. Depending you your willingness, intelligence, powers of observation, previously learned distinction, you can raise your vibration to different levels... so don't expect to be taken to genius level if you have had low grades, no education, no success anywhere... what you bring to the "deal" is poor, meager, not much
- Abundance Activator
- Get into action Activator
- Put all power in all actions Activator
- Discern, distinguish, be astute: From misery to reality
- Awakening Activator
- Big Picture Activator
- Brilliance at Will
- Certainty Activator
- Commitment and Consistency
- Don't Be Driftwood Activator
- Forget Thyself
- Harmonizer: Harmonize your vibration
- Humility
- Nothing wrong, nothing to fix Activator
- Get into the present moment Activator
- Find your priorities Activator
- Cure Procrastination Activator
- Find your real self
- Responsibility... own what owns you... Be cause Activator
- Be Self directed Activator
- Self Discipline Activator
- Serenity Activator
- Unconditional Love Activator
- Willingness Activator
- Winning and keeping love Activator
- NEW: Curiosity... get out of your own mind and bring curiosity and wonder to your world
- NEW: Interested... take your attention off yourself and give it to who you are talking to... you may start hearing what they are saying, or hearing how what you said lands... or not
- NEW: Surrender. Surrender to what you decided to do. Surrender to Life. Surrender without resistance, without complaint: it is your life, it is your will... Now do what you said you would do... Instead of everything else, that now suddenly looks more interesting, more urgent, more beneficial. Your word only has power if you surrender to it.
- NEW: Be willing to be yourself, while you dance with Life, instead of trying to beg for acceptance and validation from others. You have the last word whether you are OK or not... It is in your power... and it is your obligation...
- NEW: Create yourself with your word: instead of waiting for proof, instead of waiting for other people to tell you who you are. Losing doesn't make you a loser, being ignored doesn't make you a nobody, making a mistake or not knowing something doesn't make you ignorant. Call the shot... and then be accountable for your word. The buck stops with you.
The Harmonize Your Vibration
is also suitable for beginners, when your vibration is under 200. You'll start feeling better, like a weight lifted off you.The essential action of this activator is to shave off the behaviors that make you clash with life, bang into life, resist, get stuck, get beaten up... and instead start the process for you to flow with life, dance with life, move with life. And it can be your favorite activator on any level of vibration, where knowing who you are and where you are going (up) is so important. It is like hiring an eagle to take you above all, to see the insignificance of all the drama, the pettiness of all your concerns. Delightful.
Hi Sophie. I have been playing the Harmonize audio 24/7 for about three weeks. My vibration was 170 when I started. Can you measure it now? I think it is much higher now. I can feel it. I am not as reactive as I was, I don't get afraid that much.
Yesterday I had a phone call from my boss. My husband said: It is your boss. I normally would have almost fainted from fear, but yesterday I just took the phone and there was no emotion. Wow.
Also I have been procrastinating about finding another job, but finally I found one, and my salary will be double, Double!. Thank you so very much.
D from Idaho
The Abundance Activator
You have definite blockages to making, keeping, multiplying money. Somehow, it seems, that money is running from you in predictable ways. You may work around the clock, be brilliant, it seems to make no permanent difference.
This activator ferrets out the blockages. Be prepared to some unpleasantness, the ideas that block you are unsavory and of course wrong. But your whole persona is vested in them, so there are going to be some battles... guaranteed. Taking responsibility for being the author of those thoughts and ideas will take you to the other side... Time to become a MAN, are you ready?
This is birds chirping audio in the background of all my webinars and audios... what I use to keep me abundant...
Discern, distinguish, be astute: From misery to reality
This activator is to ferret out your blind-spots.
You don't know you have blind spots, that is why they are "blind." But if life isn't working out the way you want it, if you feel powerless and ineffective, if your actions produce no or minimal results, if your relationships are not as satisfying and nurturing as you wish, then I promise you have an abundance of blind spots, many in fact. Some soul-corrections have more than others. It is tough, and it will require your active participation. Much like learning to see... Frustrating, to say to least. You want to trust me, but your perception will prove me wrong... and yet. The results in your life are not forthcoming, so you want to hang in there... Maybe. And if I am right, then happiness, success, is just around the corner...
Awaken to the desire of the Soul, to the inner urges that can guide your life through the maze of "stuff" that is out there. Awaken to your capacity of caring, compassion, and true empathy: so you can start connecting with other souls, Source, and earn the right to true love.
See The Big Picture
The most important aspect of the Big Picture activator is the ability to change focus fast, and to be able to look at things from different vantage points, to get a 3-dimensional picture, instead of being stuck in just one view. Going deep, going wide, looking through different filters are all hallmarks of winners... so this is a winners' activator.
Brilliance at Will
If you spend too much time in your head, trying to remember, memorize, keep yourself safe: I recommend the Brilliance at Will... it will set you at ease to not have to think that much. The mind can only process what has already happened, and nothing new information, data enters it, so it is mostly totally wrong, and unaware of what's going on. The brilliance at will activates your ability to shift your view at will so you can rid yourself of the view that got you where you are.
Certainty is a very high vibration capacity that lifts you above the petty doubts of the day, the petty fears, anxieties, the roller coaster that we all find ourselves when we live on the ground floor of life. Certainty allows you to elevate yourself to get a view of the future that is independent of the tiny upsets of the day... and the power to change the direction life is going by directing it from a height.
Commitment and Consistency
Commitment is an organizing principle that you need to find. Once you find your commitment you can commit to it and bring consistency to being used by it. That is the beginning of a life that you can love. Until then it is just reacting, guessing, fledgling... no living.
Find your real self
As opposed to what people teach you, you do not create the Self. The real Self is not created. Only the fake self, the persona, the facade, the pretense is. This is one of the hardest jobs a Man will ever face: you need to peel, and remove, and destroy the layers of the fake self, until you get to the real you. The you, the Self that is the Self-esteem, Self-respect, Self-love. The one that came from the Creator, not from you. The problem is that you feel, you think that there is nothing there. Even Eastern religious and spiritual traditions say there is nothing there... Bah humbug. There is beauty there. There is intelligence there. There is power there. When the bible say that we were created to the likeness of the Creator, that is the part they are talking about. Only .7% has still lives like they have a Self... Seven in a thousand. Not bad, but I'd prefer to increase that number. When you live with a Self you are invulnerable. The world doesn't get to you, can't hurt you, because you are Self-directed. Independent for my self-esteem, joy, etc.
Forget Thyself
This activator is suitable for most people that I know. The people that think they know, people that know better, that jump into conclusions, and that quit a lot. It helps you hold off for a second longer before you stop looking, before you take all the limelight, before you ignore everything and everyone... And in that one second your life can turn around... Because as long as you continue behaving the way you have always behaved, your life will surely stay the same.
Get into action
get off the stands and get onto the field... stop life as a spectator sport...the get into action activates your ability to see what is there to do, that you can do it, and what it takes for you to actually do it. It also deals with the unwillingness or fear that underlies the inaction
Get into the present
Notice when you are looking for answers in your memory... and return to NOW. Catch when you compare stuff to others', or in time: with what it "should" be or what it was before. Let go of the necessity to repeat the past by hanging out in your mind...
Nothing wrong, Nothing To Fix
This is the activator that catches the emotion that comes on fast and removes you from reality and straight into your head. With this activator you will avoid the thousands of times upcoming fear of making a mistake, the anxiety of what will happen next...
Priorities: Your Path to Ecstasy
If you don't know what you are about, what your life is about, it is near impossible to create priorities: you'll be all over the place with what you do, what you think about. This activator forces you to decise who you want to be, what you want your live be about, and then choose what is important for that... and choose to do that which is important for the life you want.
Cure Procrastination
Things will get done around you. Guaranteed.
Put All Power In All Actions - Your Path to Passion, Love, and Happiness, not mentioning Success
This could also be called the Mindfulness activator, but it's much much more...
Responsibility: create your own reality
responsibility is your access to power. when you need this activator, then you have a difficult time seeing that the reality you see is your creation. This activator helps you own what belongs to you so you can live in a world/reality that you now consciously create, instead of a reality that is your default.
Be Self-Directed
You can be a person, or you can be a slave/sheep... It all depends who you listen to, who you expect to direct you. It's really up to you, but this activator will force you to dig deep into your self and derive direction from there.
Self-Discipline Activator
Thank you Sophie I got it. Self Discipline Audio is doing great for me I am observing that some of my unproductive routine, I started to stop doing it now, like today Saturday I normally in bed on my laptop browsing on the internet until 11am and do some stuff and then rest but today I woke up around 7 am doing stuff in the house went to supermarket and it's now already 6pm and I did not lie down to bed to rest. I am becoming now more of doer person.
I also notice that before when I start something and when I get bored I stop but now I don't feel comfortable if I don't finish it.
Thank you.
Hello Sophie
Just want to say thank you. I woke 3 am this morning feeling unwell and could not sleep, then woke again at 5:30 am feeling unwell and could not sleep back anymore.
I am playing Self discipline at the moment but what surprise me, is that my normal default reaction was stay in bed and make it as an excuse not to do anything at all but today I noticed that I was not comfortable at all just lying down in bed. Although I am not well I ended up doing lots of stuff in the house and ended feeling much better now. I am really noticing a lot of positive changes in my attitude and behaviour since I have been playing the Avatar Audios nearly 24 hours. Thanks a lot Sophie I thought this changes will never happen.
Thank you.
M from London, UK
The ability to act on the things you can, and leave well alone the ones you can't... i.e. accept them
Unconditional Love Avatar State Activator
this activator will allow you to experience unconditional love from your own self... and in return, if your vibration is high enough, accept other people exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren't.
Winning and Keeping Love Activator
will make changes in you that will make love possible and you lovable. There is profound transformation with this activator, don't get it if you don't want transformation! All the lovey-dovey facebook quotes will nauseate you after this activator. Don't tell me I didn't warn you! You will know real love, because REAL LOVE will be yours. Not the poster-love... the show of love, the pretense of love.
Unwillingness, greed, jealousy... The Willingness Activator
when you are unwilling to learn, to go deep, to stay with anything, anyone, for any reason... Perfect match for Building Bridges people...
Driftwood Activator
Be empowered to place your whole conscious self to a place outside of yourself, from where you can see farther, and determine reality. Literally only a handful of humans are able to observe themselves from a point, a place outside of themselves, but this is the activator that allows a person to see that there is never anything wrong in reality. Highly recommended for Playground participants.
The driftwood is a very interesting activator... it allows you to look at the world, at reality from a slight elevation on the side... so you see yourself, the world, and not only the obstacles.
Humility Activator
Without humility you can't grow. Without humility you'll keep doing what you have been doing, because you are the smartest person on the planet... Oh, you aren't? Then maybe a little humility will allow you to actually learn something, be guided, so you and your family can grow.
Get a high quality speaker. A poor quality speaker, like your iphone, will not transfer much of the energy... so you are wasting your time.
I listen to my activators with a high quality mini mp3 player/speaker. It uses a micro sd card. It can be plugged into the current with a mini usb cable. And its audio quality is sensational. Not tinny.
Special offer, limited time only:
You can ask me to muscle test for you which activator you should buy. It is work... I normally charge $125 for it.
Your self awareness is ego based... and you'll pick what you want, not what you need... and you may not be ready for what you want.
If you think that just buying an activator will do anything for you, you believe in stuff that are not real.
You can add this to your shopping cart. If you are within the deadline, you'll have this service free when you buy an activator. If you miss the deadline... you'll pay $125.
More feedback from users of the activators
"I have listened to some recordings and everything is changing in my body, feelings and energy. I am really impressed."
It's been exactly three months, that I have been using the activators & HOE regularly. "Revealing Dark Side" is my soul correction.
Some of the things that happened over 3 months:
- I didn't subscribe to any new "guru's" --my average was 2 per month for last 2 years. If you were to give an award to a person with most programs bought, I would be a winner !
- This one was a slow one , but No jealously panic attacks when i see others happy or excelling in the stuff that i don't have. Every-time I would hear a good news about someone before, I would be in a sorrow meltdown for hours, no more heart-sinking feeling like i used to for many many years !
- Was able to say No to my boss of 6 yrs and quit the job for good, whom i thought i was enslaved and obligated to work for less.
- I am able to take stand in my love relationship and do what pleases me, while being invincible and getting appreciation and I was like a zombie sheep before. The guy is the same, it's me whom I worked on.
I must admit that this is a very very very difficult journey, anyone would hate to face that they are NOT happy with their best friend's wedding or success or having a baby and they want it all to go bad for that person, but i faced it and am still facing it. it gets easier for sure
& oh yaa-- i have been connecting more often.
Thanks for listening and being here.