Juicy life
Find your ITCH and do what you need to do so you can finally have a life, in spite of that ITCH...

From: Sophie Benshitta MavenSophie Benshitta Maven

Most people feel a lot of stuff... others don't feel anything, at least not consciously.

I gave that workshop to alter the human condition for the participants where they were jerked around by their needs leaving them powerless.

Unless you can identify your ITCH and remove it, you'll never be able to live in reality where nothing is ever wrong.

Your life will be as predictable, predicated by your soul correction machine, as the weather in most areas. And as impossible to handle.

This workshop, all individual coaching sessions with participants, starts to shed light on what is moving you, what is the machine that is running your life.

Intimate knowledge is the price to pay for a life where you can live and produce, love, enjoy success and whatever else is available to you as the result of your actions... And not worry about all the things you are not getting, can't get, because it's not available, or it is not what you REALLY WANT anyway.

This is a profound knowledge, and no one on  this Planet is teaching it... because they don't know it.

It has taken me 35 years of intense study, connecting to Source and get the guidance, working with hundreds of clients and students, to finally see clearly what is going on.

My roots are the teachings of Landmark Education/Werner Erhard, Kabbalah, Human Design, and Source... the all-knowledge.

No energy, no woowoo, no therapy, and even no coaching can do the work YOU need to do to clearly see, know intimately, like Adam KNEW Eve.

Find out what is your itch and how to eliminate it

Update 6/12/2023

Turns out that this elimination doesn't work.

So there is a path that make the jerking action of the ITCH less urgent and less forceful, so far.

1. Using Hillel's first line: If I am not for me, who is for me? and see a way to fulfill your unsatisfied ITCH yourself.
2. See how that action also satisfies your desire to be all you an be... and transports you to Pleasure Island, where the ITCH is fulfilled, and you can live there forever.

I am still working on the methodology to identify the actions, the mindset, the hidden aspects... in the What's Missing Workshop.

In the meantime doing this series of workshops, finding and handling the ITCH can be really useful in seeing the underlying dynamic, why and how the ITCH rattles your cage, jerks your chain.

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Sophie Benshitta Maven, sophie@yourvibration.com, 4676 E Genesee St #270, Syracuse, NY 12314, 908-884-9691