The Soaring Method: how to bring magical change to your life?
You can learn to alter your past, your present, and your future... at least temporarily
From: Sophie Benshitta Maven
We are stuck... we KNOW what we are, we KNOW what we can do or have, we KNOW how it is, how other people are... and that limits us, makes life predictable
The Soaring Method to the rescue...
I taught this method to a group of people and about half of them came out of it transformed...
What will you get?
- You'll get two (2) 2-hour videos where I am doing the work with a group of students also learning this method
- You'll understand the methodology a lot better than by reading the book, The Soaring Method
- You'll see countless examples of people working to find their most effective words to make themselves soar
- You can contact me by email to verify if what you picked will work for you. I'll muscle test. Just make sure you mention that you bought the course...