Get an hour long taste of what Sophie's webinars are like...
Most people feel a lot of stuff... others don't feel anything, at least not consciously.
I, unfortunately to me, feel everything, especially what isn't mine.
I am a true empath, which means I can direct what I feel, who I feel, when I feel... so I am like a thermometer you can direct at someone's forehead.
This tool allows me to feel what you can't differentiate, can't distinguish for yourself, because you either you are not conscious that you feel anything, or you feel too much.
When we want to find out who you are for yourself that you now can't have everything you want, this is an invaluable tool... Because that thing that you are for yourself is like the air for the birds, like the water for the fish.
All of my workshops deal with the invisible... the stuff that goes on below your conscious awareness.
Whether it is your ITCH, whether it is your judgment of yourself, (they are not the same!) in webinars with me they get unearthed, unconcealed, and then we can create strategies so you can live the life you want and you can live it powerfully.
In this sample workshop, part of a long-long-long four times a week workshop I gave some 8 years ago, we distinguished people's machine and what it does to them.
In that sample workshop I also download capacity activators... capacity activators that are no included in the Effortless Abundance activator... capacities that are missing for most people. Capacities that if they were there, you would already have the life you want.
I also give a really brief introduction to the Soaring Method workshop I gave that same week...
I give all my workshops to alter the human condition for the participants where they were jerked around by their needs leaving them powerless.
Unless you can identify your ITCH and remove it, you'll never be able to live in reality where nothing is ever wrong. Unless you can identify the moves you invented to extort what you want... and repeat them, even though the moves never worked...
Your life will be as predictable, predicated by your soul correction machine, as the weather in most areas. And as impossible to handle.
No energy, no woowoo, no therapy, and even no coaching can do the work YOU need to do to clearly see, know intimately, like Adam KNEW Eve.
If you haven't done work with me, this webinar will be, maybe, jarring for you, and maybe an eye opener. We shall see.