Prison Break
formerly The 67 Step Coaching program
It's 67 audios combined with my instructions: find the principles. Don't make it all about you or your life. The audios were created by Tai Lopez. I have been using this to elevate people... and train them to become more of a person more suitable to life than they are.
Tai Lopez sells it as a way to become a higher earner, a business, person, and it's all about money. 240 thousand people bought it... and largely remained where they are.
What makes the difference is my instructions... and my feedback/coaching.
Money is just one, very limited reason to do this program.
The other reason is my way: get trained to look at life through another person's eyes... Tai's and the many authors' eyes he quotes. Priceless. But not for the reason you think it is. Not for what they know... Instead:
- To look and map (what you learn) at your own behavior, at the behavior of people you know...
- To train yourself to look and see. To develop the habit AND the capacity to look and see.
- To recognize principles
- To GET OUT OF THE PRISON your precious I have put you
You can go to check out his program here or just let me get it for you.
The 67 step Prison Break Coaching is simple, but not easy. It requires you to do things differently than you normally do them.
If you do it the way you do everything, you'll get what the 240 thousand people who have done the program before you... not much. You won't be more equipped for life, you won't get more effective at life, or business, or health, or relationships, because you are doing the program for the wrong reason the wrong way.
The purpose of the program is to offer you a daily practice where you learn the habit of looking to see, looking and seeing... So eventually you'll be able to see when you look... if you look.
99.99% of humans don't look. They already 'know'.
And they suffer for it. They are not happy, not fulfilled, not successful, and the ONLY difference between them and the .01% is what they see... If you don't look you can't see. If you don't learn to look to see, even if you look, you won't see anything useful.
In this program you report to me about what you did with the step, what you saw, how you saw it. It is email coaching... You can cancel any time.
Or if you are unwilling to do the program as designed, I'll terminate your program myself... You'll keep the steps.