Announcing: Hands-on Self-Healing Course
The Tangerine Method® Puts The Power To Heal In Your Hands
From: Sophie Benshitta Maven
People are sick... emotionally, or physically, it really is all the same... there is a lot of suffering.
The problem is that most things, supplements, treatments, even self-help programs are too expensive to try. And even if we try, it is hard to tell if they work or not... it almost impossible to tell, ahead of time, if anything is going to work for US! Maybe the people are a fraud? Maybe they only want our money...
Books you buy don't give enough details to figure out how to do something right. Manuals, like the Healing Codes are the same: you always wonder if you are doing it right or not. And the so-called distance healers, or local practitioners are way too expensive for the value they provide.
The Tangerine Method® Puts The Power To Heal In Your Hands... and
You Will Learn How To Heal Yourself In 4 Live Recorded Sessions, Where You Can Ask Me To Check Empathically If You Are Doing It Properly, So You Can Be Confident... Priceless!
- No more worrying if it works or not: you'll know in just one session!
- I'll train you to become a self-healer, no matter what ails you
- Just the ability to flush and cleanse your body of toxins is worth 10 times what you pay for the whole course!
- You can stay on and create relationships with other people who share your issues and concerns, and have a supportive community to help you through the whole process of getting well
- You can advance to mastery in a few months.
What this means to you is that...
You Can Heal Yourself, And Stay Well As Long As You Are Willing To Use Your Hands!
In this 4-module course you will learn to master
Cleansing methods for total body cleansing
. Most symptoms, most that ails you comes from blockages. These blockages are energy blockages. They block the flow, they block your energy, they block circulation, they block Life.
Lightness at will? (A total $495 value)
- Breath/soul
- emotions/ego/soul/heart
- brain/thinking
- eyes/vision
- ears
- sinuses
- self-expression
- sexual energy
- digestion/elimination, including the liver
- your immune system boosted
Just some of the feedback I have received from participants
- "I miraculously lost 14 lbs, without dieting..."
- "My shoulders and neck don't get tight any more, and my breathing is much better..."
- "My sleeping got better, and I now have energy..."
- "My constant stomach trouble and nausea disappeared!"
- "The swelling in my legs went away"
- "My blood pressure went back to normal"
- "My breathing is now deep and the blockages disappeared!"
A total value of at least $925
Pay in 6 weekly $9 payment... This is a payment plan*, not a subscription. I give you instant access to all the recordings of the live webinars I held for the live course. You can use the recordings to heal yourself, and you can share them with individual clients, to assist you in your healing practice. You are not allowed to resell the videos.

* Payment plan means you have to pay the whole things... no cancellation.
PS: The recorded course sessions are what you will use to do your healing at home. You'll get the healing energies through me and your hand... don't forget the hand, please.
Get the pancreas and Thyroid healing session. The pancreas and the thyroid are responsible for a lot of your health issues, including weight gain, and digestive problems.
If you have the Big Bundle... use this button

Individual healing products use the same energy, the Light...
The brain
The sinuses
The pancreas
The ovaries
The uterus
The female parts...
The male parts
The pancreas and the thyroid