Have your cake and eat it too!
The Drink your Food challenge
A revolutionary way to enter the world of silence, the world of enjoyment, the world of accomplishment.
Unblock abundance, love, happiness.
Including how you can grow happier, younger, and richer
My name is Sophie Benshitta Maven, and I am a true empath. I have been working with countless people to cause the transformation from a 'thinking' mode of living to a 'being' mode of living... The evolutionary jump from homo sapiens to human being.
For most of this time I made the mistake that most teachers make:
I was trying to get people out of their minds with words. And all I accomplished is to get them deeper in their minds.
I managed to get out of my mind, but had no recollection, I didn't notice how and when, so I could not teach what I did myself...
But I had memories of the before, and I of course lived the aftermath... Before I was wretched, with low vibration, and lots of misery. After... I am content. I am present. And I am available. And I am healthier than I was in my younger years.
But I have a self-inflicted condition: I damaged my esophagus. And unless I eat very carefully, I choke...
'Source' says that is how I am going to die: choke to death. Suffocate.
So when I googled the video I saw years ago, loved and then ignored, Madagan's video about his experience with chewing his food to liquid, I had this idea that this is how I should eat. And this is a great idea for a 5-day challenge, I have been intrigued with for a while.
I love challenges. They make me take steps, do things, that otherwise I wouldn't do.
The rest is history.
In this challenge I started to see what has been missing in my teaching. What is missing in Transformational companies, like Landmark Education...
Some of the most hopeless students started to grow. Started to see. Started to move in the direction I have always wanted them to move, except until now they haven't.
So what is the secret?
The secret is ATTENTION, ACTION and ATTITUDE are all there, and obvious when you eat and chew your food and your beverages 40-50 times.
You either experience the taste, the texture of the food or you don't. You either behave like you have to do this, that you are a victim, or you do this because it works for you. And, of course, you either do it or you don't.
The distinction, for everyone, the first distinction they get in this challenge is the distinction of being present. All distinctions are about being... by the way.
Once you have a distinction, you can attach every new piece of information, experience to that core distinction, and they have a chance to survive. Eventually you'll have more distinctions, and a veritable network where you can see and connect the dots...
Your effectiveness in life doubles, triples, tenfold grows. Impacting your life in health, money, relationships, fulfillment...all of life...
Of course the memory of being present isn't being present at all. So the results come from a lifestyle change: where you spend most of your time outside of the mind, in the present moment, in reality.
Your astuteness grows in leaps and bounds. Your integrity, your enjoyment of life, your self-love... All from a 'puny' 5-day challenge that set down the cornerstone of a life worth living.
One major benefit of this technology (and it is a technology!) is that you get access to the process of distinguishing. Distinguishing is the never mentioned element of the biblical strait and narrow, or Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina Principle, that says: 'a deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms an endeavor to failure. All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way'
Simply saying: if you know what deficiencies you have, then eliminating them causes more success.
I have been calling these deficiencies 'boulders'. Boulders are mostly bad habits, habitual ways of being, or character defects. Example: entitlement, hurry, jumping, self-importance, judging, lying, etc.
The more of these deficiencies (boulders) you manage to eliminate, the closer you get to being a happy camper, a happy family, a happy person.
It is a process. A never ending process. After all these years, I still have 3 boulders I can work on. I am working on my tendency to jump. Jump into conclusion, jump into a task without looking, jumping the gun. Hastiness.
Even after partial elimination of a boulder, people are a lot happier. So this is not a goal, this is a journey.

What you don't see is mostly hidden because you are in your mind, and not in reality. And in the mind there are no distinctions, only memories, definitions, but no distinctions. So what you mostly miss is boulders... distinctions... the deficiency...
And, of course unless you increase how much of reality you actually see, not much change can happen.
In this process it is all distinguishing. It is all increasing how much of reality you actually see... That is why it works.